Arizona District 5 Democrats

Support AZLD5 Dems

Help LD5 Dems GOTV and turn Arizona Blue!

Arizona District 5 Democrats are working hard to educate voters and GOTV for our Democratic candidates from the bottom of the ballot to the top.  Can you supprot our efforts? 

Purchase an AZLD5 Dems T-Shirt

You can order AZLD5 Dem T-shirts for $25.99 by clicking on the photos or buttons below. Your purchase supports the Arizona District 5 Democrats, who will receive about $7 for every shirt purchased.

Women's slim-fit blue t-shirt with light blue "True Blue" and white cursive "For You." Above this tagline is the LD5 Dems logo and address
Women's Slim FIt
unisex blue t-shirt with light blue "True Blue" and white cursive "For You." Above this tagline is the LD5 Dems logo and address
Premium Unisex